Marketing & Training
Getting Started
We have written this Getting Started Guide to help you generate money quickly, even starting today if you still have a few hours of energy left.
This document will provide you to links of pre-written ads, AI generated pictures, and hashtags, providing you an unlimited number of options for you to post ads, no matter if it's directed to consumers, affiliates, or businesses.
While we have provided the foundation of the ads, you need to be an experienced social media poster and know the ups-downs-ins-outs on how to post ads. If you don't have the experience, don't worry, consider marketing to BUSINESSES, who already have the customers. Read the "Business Affiliates" below.
4 Marketing Categories
Posting Options
While it’s easy to post an ad, there are many things you may not know or forgot, so here is things to keep in mind…
Not all groups are active. While they may list thousands of members, it’s important to only focus on groups who currently engage with other group members almost on a daily basis.
LINKS and DM’s (comment)
Not all groups allow business ads or affiliate links. So, with these groups, the content of your ads will need to change by telling the viewer that if they want more info, they have to “comment” a KEYWORD, so the autoresponder will reply with your affiliate link.
We recommend using “” as an autoresponder. While you can start for free, we recommend the PRO account ($15/mo.) which allows you to pre-setup the keywords, then link them to the ads you post on IG or FB.
To see a tutorial about Manychat, click here.
Business Partners
Income with NO Work or cost.
This has to be one of easiest ways to increase profits by simply handing out a business card size ad (with your tracking QR code) to every customer along with their receipt.
This is a perfect opportunity for ANY business owner in a tourist area that has 200+ customers per day. Examples are coffee, pastry, deli, smoke shops, ice cream/yogurt shops, and convenience stores. (Quick Service)
When a plan is ordered, the business will receive 40% of the order generated from their tracking id.
Best of all, it's 100% FREE It's that simple.
Silver Partners.
There is NO COST to become a Partner. ALL PARNTERS earn 40% on consumer orders by simply posting our pre-made txt and image ads in groups on social media. See "Ad Library (above or below).
All Partners can also "RECRUIT" (refer) others and earn 5% on orders from the new partners they recruit. This means a Partner has the opportunity to set up high-traffic shops in tourist areas and earn an enormous monthly residual commission on all the orders they generate.
Rideshare & Taxi Drivers
These people are the FRONT LINE when it comes to talking to tourists as anyone getting off a plane, train, or business will probably need a taxi or rideshare. For complete details about training for Rideshare/Taxi drivers, go to
Consumers - these are people looking for hotel savings
ALL PARTNERS earn 40% (up to $10 per order) on all consumer orders, by distributing a business card size promotional ad to them. or post ads (we have lots), on social media. The more you post, the more you will earn.
Generate Substantial Income
You can promote directly to consumers on social media or one-on-one.
Organizations that have a captured audience of consumers, (nonprofits, schools, employers) can be very lucrative). Schools and nonprofits are always looking for ways to generate revenue. Businesses are looking for ways to reward employees or loyal customers.
ALL RECRUITERS earn 5% in MONTHLY RESIDUALS from every sale generated each business they setup.
Let's say you recruit a business who averages 300 customers per day (about 9,000/mo.) If they hand out a card to each customer with their receipt, the business will average 10% in sales - 9000 x 10% x $10 = $9,000 in added income without invest a dime other than printing some business cards. In this example the recruiter will earn $1125 per business. Set up 2 businesses per day (at no cost to the business) for 20 days. You now have 40 businesses you've recruited for the month x $1125 each = $45,000 for the month. I know.
One of the best places to recruit businesses is on LinkedIn or on Craigslist. There are 100's of free websites you can post. Just be selective.
Posting Examples
The image shows how you can easily copy the text from our text ads page and save the image from our image ads to post in groups.
Partner Ads
Our pre-written ads provide a way for you to build a team of “salespeople”. You make a percentage on every order they generate, so recruiting is a very important element of being an affiliate.
All Partners earn 40% on consumer purchases. Furthermore, all Partners earn a commission on the orders generated from the Partners they recruit which is currently at 5% (subject to change without notice).
Business Ads
Recruiting the RIGHT Businesses can make you “filthy rich” with hardly working. With our starter ads, along with your creativity, you can live the life you’ve always dreamed about.
Use and modify these ads to find businesses looking for ways to generate traffic and increase their profits. Once a business starts seeing the money they can generate (without investing a dime), they will never quit – as EVERYONE loves to travel and save money too.
Consumer Ads
Travel is one of the TOP-RATED activities consumers love to do. They also know money doesn’t grow on trees, so when they can save on something they love doing, everyone wins.
Use your imagination and not only take these “starter ads” but make them your own along with outstanding videos to use on TikTok and YouTube. Combine the words with visuals to put smiles one people’s faces with absolutely no risk to them.
The best places to post ads are in ACTIVE social media groups.
Posting Examples
The image shows how you can easily copy the text from our text ads page and save the image from our image ads to post in groups.