Easily Increase Revenue
Giving This To Every Customer!
Imagine generating thousands a month in additional income with no investments other than simply printing and handing out a business card size promotion to every customer that comes in.
Almost Everyone
loves finding a Good Deal!
You can Now Increase rSimply Promote This and Make Money Without Lifting a Finger.
How We Do It
Think of this as a TRIAL OFFER to a Private Travel-Club, but with no commitment. Consumers can purchase ACCESS to GUARANTEED HOTEL SAVINGS up to $500 BELOW sites like Expedia for $25 or less. This program is only offered through our registered affiliates.
Once the users account has been activated, they can immediately log-in and search for the best deals available. NOT ALL hotels are $500 off. It all depends on the type of property, the length of stay, the time of year, and what special events are going in that area. Any remaining balance can be used up to 2 years.
Keep in mind, the max you can pay for the savings is only $25. If you only saved $200, you really saved $175 BELOW public booking rates. There's lots of lodging options, but keep in mind, they are going to 3-5 stars.
There's nothing new to learn. It works the same way as most public sites. There's 1,000,000 hotels and thousands of 5-STAR resorts worldwide to choose from. It also includes a 2-year, 100% money-back guarantee—meaning if you don’t save 3x what you paid, we’ll refund you in full.
Saving Money
On Travel
Here’s a way for your customer get MASSIVE worldwide hotel savings BELOW Expedia, Priceline, many others, while you will earn a minimum of 20% of every transaction. If you have foot-traffic (or want a way to generate more), then this is definitely an opportunity for you to generate hundreds, even thousands per month WITH NO INVESTMENT or learning curve. You can start generating income in less than day.
Best of all, it’s 100% FREE for all businesses,
All you need to do is promote the hotel savings offer and include your link. That’s it.
Consumers can choose one of 3 travel savings plans that are guaranteed to be BELOW
the prices on public booking engines like Expedia, Priceline, and others.
$500 savings
Price: $25 (one-time)
$250 savings
Price: $12.50 (one-time)
$100 savings
Price: $5 (one-time)
This can be a table-topper OR a business card
that you can hand out with their receipt.
All You Need To Do
Is Promote
We will also provide you graphics that contain a QR Code (linked to your account) similar to the table-toppers shown.
You simply print this and display it in your store, (or print business cards and give them to anyone you choose).
You have Two options
Our signup process is incredibly simple. Click the buttons below to get started.
Silver Partner
20% Direct Sale Commission
5% Sub-Partner Sale Commission (2nd level)
2.5% Sub-Sub Partner Sale Commission (3rd level)
Access To Private Back Office To Track Commissions
Gold Partner
40% Direct Sale Commission
10% Sub-Partner Sale Commission (2nd level)
5% Sub-Sub Partner Sale Commission (3rd level)
Access To Private Back Office To Track Commissions