My Travel Planet

Learn How You Can Easily Increase Revenue!

No Investment - No Extra Work - No Layoffs!

100% FREE – No Credit Card Required.

It’s HIGH-VALUE, LOW-COST, and has MASS APPEAL for Tourists!

Tourists love to travel.  They also love saving money.

If your business is in a high=traffic tourist area, imagine how thrilled your customers will be receiving a card like this. 

Your Customers Will Love You

Now imagine being able to generate thousands monthly, by simply handing them a card like this with their purchase.

Incredible Hotel Savings

When your customer scans the QR code on your card to learn more, they will be “linked” to you and have the option to purchase 
Guaranteed Worldwide Hotel Saving, up to $500 BELOW the prices listed on Expedia, Priceline, and other top booking sites —
for a one-time cost of $25 or less.

When then do, your business will earn 40% in passive income.

When your customers save, you’ll earn 40% of the order.

The information on the card creates enough curiosity to get your customers to scan the QR Code.

How This Works.

Working together with a private TRAVEL CLUB, your customers have the ability to “sample the many benefits of the club, with ZERO obligations to joinSee details

There is nothing to join, no blackout dates, no travel restrictions, and no timeshare presentations to attend.  Simply put, there are NO GIMMICKS, just savings. 

No Investment – No Extra Work
Earn 40% – Simply PROMOTE!

Once a purchase made (no matter when), and activated their account, they can immediately log-in and search for the best deals available.

Nothing To Explain

There’s nothing new to learn or explains. It works the same way as most public travel sites work.  There’s 1,000,000 hotels and thousands of 5-STAR resorts worldwide to choose from.  It also includes a 2-year, 100% money-back guarantee—meaning if you don’t save 3x what you paid, we’ll refund them in full.

Why This is Perfect for Tourist Areas:

High Foot Traffic:
If your business is in tourist area with a steady stream of tourists, your’re perfectly positioned to capitalize on this opportunity.

Location, Location, Location. 
Tourists are always looking for ways to save on accommodations, making this a highly attractive promotion.

Income Potential

Imagine you average 200 customers per day (6,000 per month and just 10% order, you’ve just added an additional $6,000 in PURE PROFIT—generated effortlessly. No cost, no extra work, no downside.

Expand Your Earnings Even Further

If you refer other business owners who sign up and distribute cards, you will earn even more on every order they generate—RESIDUALLY.

No Cost, Nothing to Learn or Explain. Click Below to Get Started.

$ 0
  • 40% Direct Sale Commission
  • 2% from ALL "Referred" Business Partner Orders
  • Access To Private Back Office to Track Scans, Clicks & Commissions